Monday, April 29, 2013

God Speaks...

I stopped and helped a stranger this morning. I don't tell you this to impress you or to get your praise, but instead to share a treasured moment. This is really something new for me...I rarely stop to help. I just assume someone else will. I justfiy my actions by telling myself they are just trying to hustle me or something along those lines...but today was different. It was different because I have been praying for God to show me ways to serve Him. I told God that I am here...all he needs to do is open my eyes to the need. So when he lead me to this stranger this morning, I obeyed. Albeit it awkwardly and slightly apprehensively, I followed. You don't need all the details...but what I want to share is this:

As this stranger walked away he stopped for a moment. He turned, smiled and said "I love you".

Now that may not seem like a big deal...but his words warmed my heart and filled my cup in way that I have never felt before. It was as if Jesus himself had wrapped his arms around me and told me he loves me personally. I thanked God for this was a far greater gift to me than what I was able to offer this stranger.

I pray that you will take time to seize the opportunities God lays out for you today. You will be blessed!
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1 comment:

  1. I have found that when I help someone else, I ALWAYS walk away feeling like I had received more than I gave. It's only in God's economy/equation that this can happen :-) Thanks for sharing your experience!
